Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP) Training and Certification in Colorado offered by APE Academy (NRA Certified Instructor)! Obtain the training necessary to qualify for your concealed carry permit in Colorado.
We train all types of responsible citizens regardless of age, gender or familiarity with guns. From Grandma to Grandson, if you have a good attitude and are open to learning, we are here for you. If you are looking for the cheapest option this is not for you…but I would submit that not all instructors are the same, have the same level of credentials or ability to teach. Go cheap “just to check the block” at your own risk. “I’ve been around guns my entire life” is no substitute for quality training.

Classroom for CHP Training at the Bailey VFW
Taking the leap to obtain your CHP is a very serious decision that should not be taken lightly, and you should ensure that the training and instruction that you receive in order to obtain your permit is top notch! Upon successful completion of the block of instruction you will receive a certificate which you can take to your local Sheriff’s office to show proof of training.
A few things you should consider if you are looking to obtain your concealed carry permit, *straight from the source. Note: You are required to do your own research, this information is current as of March 2017 but may or may not be updated.
Criteria for Obtaining a Permit.
18-12-203. Criteria for obtaining a permit
(1) Beginning May 17, 2003, except as otherwise provided in this section, a sheriff shall issue a permit to carry a concealed handgun to an applicant who:
(a) Is a legal resident of the state of Colorado. For purposes of this part 2, a person who is a member of the armed forces and is stationed pursuant to permanent duty station orders at a military installation in this state, and a member of the person’s immediate family living in Colorado, shall be deemed to be a legal resident of the state of Colorado.
(b) Is twenty-one years of age or older;
(c) Is not ineligible to possess a firearm pursuant to section 18-12-108 or federal law;
(d) Has not been convicted of perjury under section 18-8-503, in relation to information provided or deliberately omitted on a permit application submitted pursuant to this part 2;
(e) (I) Does not chronically and habitually use alcoholic beverages to the extent that the applicant’s normal faculties are impaired.
(II) The prohibition specified in this paragraph (e) shall not apply to an applicant who provides an affidavit, signed by a professional counselor or addiction counselor who is licensed pursuant to article 43 of title 12, C.R.S., and specializes in alcohol addiction, stating that the applicant has been evaluated by the counselor and has been determined to be a recovering alcoholic who has refrained from using alcohol for at least three years.
(f) Is not an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance as defined in section 18-18-102 (5). Whether an applicant is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance shall be determined as provided in federal law and regulations.
(g) Is not subject to:
(I) A protection order issued pursuant to section 18-1-1001 or section 19-2-707, C.R.S., that is in effect at the time the application is submitted; or
(II) A permanent protection order issued pursuant to article 14 of title 13, C.R.S.; or
(III) A temporary protection order issued pursuant to article 14 of title 13, C.R.S., that is in effect at the time the application is submitted;
(h) Demonstrates competence with a handgun by submitting:
(I) Evidence of experience with a firearm through participation in organized shooting competitions or current military service;
(II) Evidence that, at the time the application is submitted, the applicant is a certified instructor;
(III) Proof of honorable discharge from a branch of the United States armed forces within the three years preceding submittal of the application;
(IV) Proof of honorable discharge from a branch of the United States armed forces that reflects pistol qualifications obtained within the ten years preceding submittal of the application;
(V) A certificate showing retirement from a Colorado law enforcement agency that reflects pistol qualifications obtained within the ten years preceding submittal of the application; or
(VI) A training certificate from a handgun training class obtained within the ten years preceding submittal of the application. The applicant shall submit the original training certificate or a photocopy thereof that includes the original signature of the class instructor. To the extent permitted by section 18-12-202 (5), in obtaining a training certificate from a handgun training class, the applicant shall have discretion in selecting which handgun training class to complete.
Instructor Requirements (can they certify you!) which APE Academy meets as Phil is an NRA Certified Instructor.
18-12-202. Definitions
(2) “Certified instructor” means an instructor for a firearms safety course who is certified as a firearms instructor by:
(a) A county, municipal, state, or federal law enforcement agency;
(b) The peace officers standards and training board created in section 24-31-302, C.R.S.;
(c) A federal military agency; or
(d) A national nonprofit organization that certifies firearms instructors, operates national firearms competitions, and provides training, including courses in personal protection, in small arms safety, use, and marksmanship.